
Relationship horoscope (compatibility with partner)

Synastry chart on you and your beloved husband/wife or lover/mistress or someone special you met and would like to know about your compatibility?

Synastry chart helps a couple understand their compatibility, find out ways how to solve problems within a relationship if it exists. What is more important is it tells if you need to tie your destiny with this partner or not? Also it believes in astrology that from communication of two people can be born another horoscope, the one only for them, which shows well-being of their alliance.


Please note: to order this type of horoscope you need to know at least full date of your partner birthday. Horoscope shows more information if you know time as well.


Price: per request. It contains 2 natal chart reading and synastria (compatability) reading 

Pictures will be send to the private e-mail of the astrologer after the order will be confirmed

Consultation format: A written horoscope. If after reading you still have questions then it will be organized 1 hour on-line consultation through Skype or I can answer your questions through e-mail. 

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